Cold weather prepared

Cold weather prepared

We get asked, a lot, what we do when we go to colder climates. Although we try to avoid crazy cold, to stay budget friendly we travel in the shoulder seasons, so that means you might get a little bit of winter here and there. What we do is basically, layer, layer and layer... and if that’s not enough, get in bed. Just kidding! (or are we?) In New Zealand winter came early and we definitely could have used more layers.

What we carry with us always

  • 1 water resistant windbreaker

  • 1 Patagonia Nano-puff jacket

  • 1 thin long sleeve shirt

  • 1 pair of gloves.

We each have the same combo but in different sizes. Fermin has long Johns and I have tights that we wear under pants when we need more leg layers. The windbreaker and the nano puff are compressed in these airtight bags so they take minimal space. 

Our gear

The first set of pics is Siori’s winter gear, the compressed version on the left and the ‘expanded’ version on the right.

Siori I.JPG
Siori II.JPG

And here are Fermin’s clothes :

Fermin I.JPG
Fermin II.JPG

We also shop in second hand stores when are need of more warmth, or variety, like was the case in New Zealand.  And it’s also more sustainable, both for our pocket and the environment; win-win!

Here, we are both wearing our second hand store buys; my sweater and Fermin’s flannel shirt. We also donated these pieces so that they may be resold and don’t end up in a dumpster.


Do you have any tips for packing light, but still being able to cover colder climates? Leave ‘em in the comments below! 

Toiletries for her

Toiletries for her

Floppy hats and travel

Floppy hats and travel